Free Workshop


How to make fear your friend and overcome any obstacle

This workshop is for you if:

  • You know fear is the reason you aren’t doing what you want and ultimately achieving what you desire
  • The idea of doing anything you fear is crippling, and to be honest, it’s pissing you off
  • You know you need to step out of your comfort zone, but the idea of that is so scary that you choose to remain unhappy because it’s safer
  • You’d love to be able to feel the fear and do it anyway - as in - those things you really want to do but don’t… imagine if you did it!

During this workshop you'll look at and uncover:

  • What is fear and how it shows up for you personally (I’m not talking about your fear of heights)
  • How to embrace your fears and use them to your advantage
  • The mindset shift you need to make so fear no longer stops you in your

By registering for this event, you’ll also receive a bonus workbook to help you move through this process and uncover any other golden nuggets that you uncover

You'll also get support from me during the call, so you're basically getting coached for free

Live Workshop

October 22, 2022
10:30am Australian Eastern Time

As with all my masterclasses and workshops, it’s going to be fun and choc-a-block full of info that will see you walk away from the workshop with a deeper understanding of how you’re holding yourself back and what you need to do to get out of your own way.

I know you want to step out of your comfort zone, but fear is holding you back.

It’s time to break through the shackles of fear so you can show up unapologetically, just as you are!

PS: If you want to join but can't make the lives, no problem - you'll get access to the replay (for a limited time only) 😘

About Jaci

Hey there, I'm Jaci! If we haven't already met, I'm a Certified Transformation & Mindset Coach & Mentor, Writer, Speaker and soon to be Energy Coach for wounded warriors. I work with the big hearted women who have experienced trauma or adversity in the past and their wounds still run deep, so they can connect with their Inner Warrior and reignite their flame so nothing can get in their way.

As a recovering perfectionist I know how critical we can become of ourselves if we don’t get things just right. I’ve let go of trying to be anything other than what and who I am and it ABSOLUTELY LIGHTS ME UP when I’m able to support women to move past the barriers and blocks holding them back.


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